Neelibringadi Tail 200ml

Neelibringadi Tail 200ml_1

Neelibringadi Tail 200ml

Brand : Kairali Ayurvedic

₹200 ₹0
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  • SHKAP025

Neelibringadi Kera Thailam most effective Ayurvedic hair oil for multiple hair problems, especially hair growth and hair fall. It treats hair fall, premature graying, dry, brittle & damaged hair. It has coconut oil as the base oil with bhringaraja.

As directed by the physician

  • 1 Kera Taila Cocos nucifera Ol 10.00 ml 2 Neeli Indigofera tinctoria Lf 10.00 g 3 Bringaraja Eclipta prostrata Pl 10.00 g 4 Sathakrathulatha Cardiospermum halicacabum Pl 10.00 g 5 Dhatriphala Phyllanthus emblica P 10.00 g 6 Madhuka Glycyrrhiza glabra Rt 0.208 g 7 Gunja Abrus precatorius Pl 0.208 g 8 Ajaksheera Goat Milk 10.00ml 9 Mahisheeksheera Buffallo Milk 10.00 ml 10 Goksira Cow Milk 10.00 ml 11 Keraksheera Coconut Milk Kr. 10.00 ml 12 Anjana Berberis aristata St.Ext 0.208 g


Kairali Ayurvedic

  • Neelibringadi Kera Thailam name indicates Neeli, bhringaraja and coconut oil as the base oil. It is a 100% ayurvedic formulation of various potent herbs that are used to treat multiple hair related problems. This ayurvedic hair oil is beneficial to promote healthy hair growth and treat premature graying, hair fall, dry, brittle & damaged hair. It makes the hair roots stronger, helps in regrowing of hair & prevention of hair loss. It nourishes & moisturizes the hair follicles and helps to fight dandruff to a remarkable extent. Neelibringadi kera oil keeps hair stronger, shiny & healthy and also improves hair color. It is also available with sesame-based oil known as Neelibringadi Thailam. The Key Ingredients used in this Neelibringadi Kera Thailam are: Neeli (Indigofera tinctoria): - Helps to promote hair growth. It makes hair strong, shiny, voluminous and healthier. Bringaraja (Eclipta prostrata): - It helps in strengthening the hair roots, promotes growth, prevents hair fall and premature greying. Dhatriphala (Phyllanthus Emblica): - Enriched with antioxidants and vitamin C. It treats baldness, hair fall and strengthens the scalp &hair. Sathakrathulatha (Cardiospermum halicacabum): - It enhances hair growth, prevents scalp infections and itchiness. Benefits: Promotes hair growth Prevents hair fall and baldness Treats premature greying Improves the quality of hair Treats split ends & baldness Strengthens the scalp Reduces dandruff

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